Day 15/16/17 – 30 September 2020, 1 and 2 October

Chris arrives at lunchtime for a discussion about our final kitchen cabinetry. We had detailed plans drawn by our designers, Department of Design (, if you get a chance, use them, they are wonderful), so this task wasn’t very hard.

We reviewed all of the detailed drawings with Chris so he could go and get the cabinets made and then assemble them on site. We have quite a bit of detail in our design. Some shadow lines, hidden handles, integrated appliances and LED strip lighting.


Once we agree on the final detailed points, Chris heads off to the joiner to have the final plans checked and get the process of making the cupboards up. In four week’s time we should eb ready for the kitchen to go in. In the meantime, there is a lot to do.  The schedule for the next couple of weeks will see flooring and wall sheeting happening, a couple of new windows go in, insulation and finalisation of the electrical layout.

For now that is all the work until next week, it’s a long weekend in Canberra and the builders have earned a break.

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