Day 37 to 41– 2 to 6 November 2020

As they say on the TV show The Block, kitchen are the heart of the house. Well this week is kitchen week, although our kitchen week has been going for almost 40 days, with another 30 or so to go.

In a sense though, it is kitchen week, our custom cupboards have arrived and were assembled during the week. How can anyone need so many cupboards! There are over 500 individual pieces to put together.

Out of their place the cupboard take up floor pace across three rooms. Large carcasses, as they are called, stand randomly in our living and lounge rooms, while drawers are piled high in our office.

During the build, the floor gets sanded, it’s better to sand it before cupboards are located in their final positions.

Once the floor is sanded, some cupboards start to go in. First the pantry, then others follow.

In between cupboard building and fixing, two of the team work on some finer details around our entry way. We are installing a custom slatted wall extending off our feature wall.  We are also installing two cat gates, which will help keep the peace between dog and cats. The doors are designed such that the cats can freely move around, but if we need we can secure the dog into a zone and stop her from getting to the cat food and cat toilets.

A productive week, albeit the work site looks like a bit of a mess.  Newly made cupboards lying everywhere, random pieces not yet pieced together standing at odd angles, an array of tools, rubbish, and assorted building ephemera litter the site.

It is really like a jigsaw puzzles. One viewing angle shows a partially completed kitchen, dining room, while the other viewing angle shows all the pieces yet to fill the picture.

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