About Me

Michale and Mardi on the rooftop at their hotel in New York
Michael, 18 Months

But that never stopped me. Such a cliche isn’t it. Stopped me from what? There are things I can’t do: drive a car, fly a plane, find my wife in a shopping centre! And there are things I can do: experience the world, be a dynamic leader, fall in love, care for animals, love music, the list goes on.

Why do we sometimes define ourselves by what we can’t do rather than what we can do?

Seeing things a little differently

Born in the 1960s and raised in Hotels in Sydney’s Alexandria, Redfern and Rockdale, I am the second of four boys.

They all have perfect eyesight, me, I was late to that class, so got dealt shitty eyes. Emotionally exhausted, my mother sought help as she wanted me to succeed. And succeed I did.

This site is all about what I, we, can do. I’ve never taken myself seriously, hopefully that comes through.

Enjoy the ride…

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