The cold weather has really set in now. Today’s top is -2 Celsius. It’s windy. But sunny.
We decide to head up to the Met again to take in more of the exhibitions.
We catch a bus up Madison Avenue and walk the one block to 5th ave and 79th to get to the Met.
We wander the halls and see a Manet and Degas impressionist exhibition. We then look at some Van Goghs and Matisses. Rodin sculptures line another hallway as we enter a 1930s American political and social exhibition.
After a few hours of wandering a quick visit to the gift shop ends our visit.
We catch a bus down 5th Avenue and head home
We then meet up with colleagues from the RNIB. I’ve worked with the royal National Institute for the Blind (UK vision support organisation) for a couple of years now and Justin and Ali are always good fun.
We mix our dinner conversation between New York and business. During dinner the restaurant breaks into song. The 12 days of Christmas. Each group is given a day, we get 5 golden rings. It’s fun and everyone gets in the spirit.
Sadly Cafe 123 doesn’t offer the best food. For such a busy, upbeat place, better food would be an advantage. Maybe places like this simply rely on tourism, so quality food isn’t essential. We certainly won’t be back.
After dinner we head home. It’s very cold but fine.
I’ve got a bit of work to do and a meeting to attend so prepare for that.