Another perfect day in NYC. The sun was shining, the walking was fun and our favorite lounge at a Bosie was free. 

Before heading out together I went for a walk up and down 6th and 5th avenues.

About 20 blocks in total. Nice and safe, crossing at the lights in a high vis top. The sun shining off the Empire State was stunning. 

After I got home, we headed out early, well early for a holiday, 11.30. 

We caught the subway to 14th street in search of the so called CRY BABY WALL. The wall is a part of the 14th street station at Union Square and was started the day after the election by a single protestor sticking up a single post it note. Quickly hundreds more added post it notes and today thousands of notes were on show. Some call it the healing wall, others the cry baby wall. Interestingly no one interferes with it, people add post it notes regularly, people stare and read dozens of notes and others walk past yelling at those looking at it. One thing for sure it’s a spectacle. We stood back and watched for a while, took some photos and moved on. 

We then caught the L train across town along 14th street to 8th avenue and headed for the High Line. The walk is always a highlight of our trip. 20 blocks of elevated train line converted to a park and evolving sculpture garden. 

Today we saw a turtle, it was out for a walk in the grassed area according to its owner. A rubber car, some more great autumn colours and a semi trailer stuck in the tiny streets of downtown. 

After the High Line we walked to Chelsea markets in search of some lunch.

As usual the markets were packed and after grabbing our lunch to go went for a search of a place to sit. Lots of seats, tables but all occupied. We walked around and around and then stood watch over a few where it looked like people might leave. Suddenly Mardi charged off to the left. I followed and as she put her hand on a seat a man walked up and said it was his. Hang on mate. He then said he’d been waiting for half an hour. Sorry buddy, we’ve been waiting and watching and you came out of no where. We felt a bit bad, but he grabbed a table a short time after nearby. It’s busy and Mardi’s clam chowder was getting cold. 

We didn’t hog the table, we ate and went on our way allowing others to grab a table. 

We then wandered the markets, popping into a few shops. Mardi picked up some candles and a couple of gifts. 

We then considered going to Bosie for some tea and a rest. The ever reliable Fitbit said 14000 steps so it was time for a break. We walked there. Oh my, it was further then we thought, or it was that we’d walked miles already. Either way we made it and our favourite lounge up the back was free so we settled in for a couple of hours of doing nothing but enjoying fine tea. 

We chatted to Miguel the owner, who instantly recognised us from last year. We sat, chatted, and just let time wash over us as our sore feet thanked us for the break. 

While we sat we booked a hair cut for me. We left Bosie at around 6pm and walked to the barber. Alison, a male, was my stylist and 30 minutes later I emerged with both a haircut and shave. A different experience, but refreshing. 

We then made our way home, seeing the Empire State Building lit up blue in honour of men’s depression charities tonight. 

A great day, lots of walking and time for an early night.

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Next post Day 10: A harmonious, height filled day in Harlem

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