Taking the doctors advice we spent Tuesday pretty much doing nothing. Which wasn’t a bad thing. The weather was crappy, lots of wind and rain, Mardi was feeling a bit under the weather herself and I had a residual headache from the laser surgery yesterday. 

So we experienced day time TV for the first time in NYC.

We watched some family feud with Steve Harvey, pretty funny and re runs of friends and how I met your mother. 

We decided to go out for dinner to our favorite steak place in NYC, Keens. It was only ten minutes from our hotel, an easy walk and the restaurant is always dark, which was great for my eye. 

We both enjoyed a perfect steak in the unique surroundings. The ceiling is lined with pipes and the walls are covered with photos and paintings from years gone by. Keens used to be a smoking establishment for New York gentleman. They’d store their pipes at the venue and gather in the evenings to drink whiskey and smoke. Check some more history here : http://ny.eater.com/2011/7/27/6670601/the-history-of-keens-the-126-year-old-house-of-mutton#4288578

After dinner we made our way home down Broadway. 

Another early morning tomorrow. Another visit to the eye surgeon.

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Next post Day 08: Still (our favourite) Hunt

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